Bulk Load Test Results

To use the Bulk Load feature, you must have a properly-formatted spreadsheet containing the test result values you wish to load. The spreadsheet must have five columns. Highlight the range of values in the spreadsheet and use the "copy" command to copy the data. Then place the cursor in the large text area on the Bulk Load Test Results Web page and choose to "paste". The values will appear in the text box, seperated by tab characters. The five columns should be as follows:

Column 1 - Site ID
The site identifier (e.g. 123) for the beach where the sample was taken. The Site ID is listed on the Site Details tab of the Location/Beach Manager screen.

Column 2 - Sample Date
Date should be formatted 'MM/DD/YYYY'.

Column 3 - Monitoring Point
The numeric monitoring point as established on this Web site for the given site. Average values (Daily and Monthly Mean measurements) must use monitoring point zero (0), indicating it is an average for all monitoring points.

Column 4 - Sample Type
A one-character sample type indicator. Use 'I' for individual sample, 'D' for Daily Geometric Mean and 'M' for 30-Day Geometric Mean.

Column 5 - Sample Measurement
The reported value. Less Than and Greater Than signs (< and >) are the only valid non-numeric characters that can be used. Decimal values are acceptable.