Women's Health
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Ticket for the Cure Grants

On July 6, 2005, PA 94-0120 was signed into law, creating the Illinois Ticket for the Cure instant lottery ticket. Net revenue from the sale of this ticket will go to the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Office of Women’s Health, which will award grants to public and private entities in Illinois for the purpose of funding breast cancer research, education and services for breast cancer victim.

This legislation also created the Ticket for the Cure Advisory Board. This board, in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Public Health, Office of Women’s Health (OWH), has the responsibility of consulting with the Illinois Department of Revenue in designing and promoting the Ticket for the Cure instant scratch-off lottery game; and reviewing grant applications, making recommendations and comments and consulting on grant awards from amounts appropriated from the Ticket for the Cure Fund.

Ticket for the Cure Community Grant Program

The OWH and the Ticket for the Cure Advisory Board recognize that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and sometimes affects men, as well. Awareness and education regarding early detection needs to be increased in every community, especially for low income, underserved and uninsured women with special emphasis on reaching those who are geographically or culturally isolated, older and/or members of racial/ethnic minorities. The Community Grant Program is designed to address this need.

Breast Cancer Research Grants

This initiative provides funds to researchers focusing on breast cancer.